Jewellery for women

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    Black & Sterling Silver Earrings 010
Black & Sterling Silver Earrings 010 - this is a set of fantastic Earrings -  Luxurious earrings for women are the hot commodity for women who are searching for that something to set-off that look. Their appearance is remarkable, with the silver set against the glossy black, posh is not the word for the look that can be got by wearing these, a must have addition to your prized possessions.

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Black Sterling Silver Earings 010


Only £12.99

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    Green Diamond Cut Sterling Earings 011
Green Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 011 - this is a set of fantastic Earrings -  Luxurious green earrings for women are the hot commodity for those who are searching for that something to set-off that look. There are many beautiful earrings for women, but these do stand-out. In fact, many jewellery companies use such colours in earrings for women that want to enjoy and treasure without experiencing either guilt or “price tag shock” from buying real diamonds.

Recorded Delivery 1st Class UK


green diamond cut sterling silver earings 011


Only £5.99

- secure payment facility -   buy now by Credit Card  or Paypal Now Secure PaymentA5 Secure PaymentA6 Secure PaymentA5 A6 Secure Payments


   Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 012
Clear Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earrings 012 -  we recommend you buy these earrings, a set of fantastic Earrings -  Luxurious clear diamond cut earrings for women are the hot commodity for those who are searching for that something to set-off that look. There are many beautiful earrings for women, but these do stand-out. In fact, many jewellery companies use such colours in earrings for women that want to enjoy and treasure without experiencing either guilt or “price tag shock” from buying real diamonds.

Recorded Delivery 1st Class UK


Clear Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 012


Only £7.99

- secure payment facility -   buy now by Credit Card  or Paypal Now Secure PaymentA5 Secure PaymentA6 Secure PaymentA5 A6 Secure Payments


   Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 013
Clear Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earrings 013 -  another set of fantastic Earrings -  Luxurious clear diamond cut earrings for women are the hot commodity for those who are searching for that something to set-off that look. There are many beautiful earrings for women, but these do stand-out. In fact, many jewellery companies use such colours in earrings for women that want to enjoy and treasure without experiencing either guilt or “price tag shock” from buying real diamonds.

Recorded Delivery 1st Class UK


Clear Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 013


Only £5.99

- secure payment facility -   buy now by Credit Card  or Paypal Now Secure PaymentA5 Secure PaymentA6 Secure PaymentA5 A6 Secure Payments


   Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 014
Blue Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earrings 014 -  another set of fantastic Earrings -  Luxurious blue diamond cut earrings for women are the hot commodity for those who are searching for that something to set-off that look. There are many beautiful earrings for women, but these do stand-out. In fact, many jewellery companies use such colours in earrings for women that want to enjoy and treasure without experiencing either guilt or “price tag shock” from buying real diamonds.

Recorded Delivery 1st Class UK


Clear Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 014


Only £5.99

- secure payment facility -   buy now by Credit Card  or Paypal Now Secure PaymentA5 Secure PaymentA6 Secure PaymentA5 A6 Secure Payments


   Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 015
Square Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earrings 015 -  another set of fantastic Earrings -  Luxurious square clear diamond cut earrings for women are the hot commodity for those who are searching for that something to set-off that look. There are many beautiful earrings for women, but these do stand-out. In fact, many jewellery companies use such colours in earrings for women that want to enjoy and treasure without experiencing either guilt or “price tag shock” from buying real diamonds.

Recorded Delivery 1st Class UK


Clear Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 015


Only £9.99

- secure payment facility -   buy now by Credit Card  or Paypal Now Secure PaymentA5 Secure PaymentA6 Secure PaymentA5 A6 Secure Payments


   Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 016
Silver Bronzed Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earrings 016 -  another set of fantastic Earrings -  Luxurious silver bronzed diamond cut earrings for women are the hot commodity for those who are searching for that something to set-off that look. There are many beautiful earrings for women, but these do stand-out. In fact, many jewellery companies use such colours in earrings for women that want to enjoy and treasure without experiencing either guilt or “price tag shock” from buying real diamonds.

Recorded Delivery 1st Class UK


Clear Diamond Cut Sterling Silver Earings 016


Only £5.99

- secure payment facility -   buy now by Credit Card  or Paypal Now Secure PaymentA5 Secure PaymentA6 Secure PaymentA5 A6 Secure Payments


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